Privacy Policy

To use Specklia, you generate an API key. When you do this, you consent to Earthwave tracking your usage of Specklia. Specklia uniquely identifies users, but does not store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) about these users. This means that Earthwave are not able to identify you within Specklia using, for example, your email address or name. Instead, for support queries, you must provide your Specklia user ID.

How is my data being used?

Specklia keeps records of its users activity, via an anonymous user ID, in order to:

  • Understand how Specklia is being used.

  • Predict future usage.

  • Track and predict the cost of running Specklia.

  • Detect and resolve bugs.

  • Identify “power users” for direct contact by Earthwave at a later date.

Where is my data being stored?

Specklia’s usage records are securely stored in the same place, and in the same manner, as Specklia’s OLTP datasets. Only Earthwave staff have access to this data.

What kind of data is being collected, and how is it being collected?

Specklia logs each individual API call, identifying each call via the user’s Specklia User ID. Specklia does not store any Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Further Information

Further information on how Earthwave Ltd handle Personal Data will be made available on our website during the third quarter of 2024.