specklia package


specklia.client module

This file contains the Specklia python client. It is designed to talk to the Specklia webservice.

class specklia.client.Specklia(auth_token: str, url: str = 'https://specklia-api.earthwave.co.uk')

Bases: object

Client for the Specklia webservice.

Specklia is a geospatial point cloud database designed for Academic use. Further details are available at https://specklia.earthwave.co.uk.

add_points_to_dataset(dataset_id: str, new_points: List[Dict[str, Dict | GeoDataFrame]]) None

Add new data to a dataset.

All of the columns present in the dataset must feature in the data to be added. Note that in addition to the custom columns specified on the creation of the dataset (and retrievable via client.list_datasets()), you must provide two additional mandatory columns: ‘timestamp’ and ‘geometry’.

You must have READ_WRITE or ADMIN permissions within the group that owns the dataset in order to do this.

Note that Ingests are temporarily restricted to those that have READ_WRITE permissions within the all_users group (i.e. Specklia is read-only to the general public). This restriction will be lifted once we have per-user billing in place for Specklia.

Note that this can only be called up to 30,000 times per day for OLAP datasets - if you need to load more individual data files than this, ensure that you use this method on groups of files rather than individual files.

  • dataset_id (str) – The UUID of the dataset to add data to.

  • new_points (List[Dict[str, Union[Dict, gpd.GeoDataFrame]]]) – A list of dictionaries with the keys ‘source’ and ‘gdf’. Within each dictionary, the value for ‘source’ is a dictionary describing the source of the data. The value for ‘gdf’ is a GeoDataFrame containing the points to add to the dataset. The GeoDataFrame must contain at minimum the columns ‘geometry’ and ‘timestamp’. The timestamp column must contain POSIX timestamps. The ‘geometry’ column must contain Points following the (lon, lat) convention. The GeoDataFrame must have its CRS specified as EPSG 4326.


RuntimeError – If the ingest failed for some reason.

add_user_to_group(user_to_add_id: str, group_id: str) str

Add a user to an existing group.

You must have ADMIN permissions within the group in order to do this.

The user will initially be granted READ_ONLY permissions within the group. Use Specklia.update_user_privileges() to change this after you have moved them into the group.

  • user_to_add_id (str) – UUID of user to add to group

  • group_id (str) – The group’s UUID


The response from the server

Return type:



As an ADMIN of a group, we might wish to add other users to it so they are able to access the group’s datasets.

We have to ask a user for their ID before we can add them to our group. If they wish to be added, they can determine their ID through other_users_client.user_id and share the result with us.

Once we have this information, we can run:

>>> client.add_user_to_group(group_id=GROUP_ID, user_to_add_id=USER_ID)

By default, the newly added user will have READ_ONLY permissions within our group. If we wish for them to be able to write to the group’s datasets or manage users within the group, we can update their privileges via client.update_user_privileges().

create_dataset(dataset_name: str, description: str, columns: List[Dict[str, str]] | None = None, storage_technology: str = 'OLAP') str

Create a dataset.

Specklia datasets contain point cloud data. When you create the dataset, you must specify the fields within the data.

After you have created the dataset, you’ll probably want to add data to it using Specklia.add_points_to_dataset().

When a dataset is first created, it will be owned by a group with its group_name matching your user ID. You have ADMIN permissions within this group. In order for other people to access this dataset, you must either move it into another group using Specklia.update_dataset_ownership(), or add a user to your personal group using Specklia.add_user_to_group().

  • dataset_name (str) – The name the user provides for the dataset. Must contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and hyphens only.

  • description (str) – A description of the dataset. Must contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and hyphens only.

  • columns (Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]],) –

    A list where each item is an additional column the user wishes to add to the dataset, beyond the mandatory EPSG4326 latitude, longitude and POSIX timestamp. A list of columns should follow the format:

    [{'name': 'elevation', 'type': 'float', 'description': 'elevation', 'unit': 'metres'},
    {'name': 'remarks', 'type': 'str', 'description': 'per-row remarks', 'unit': 'NA'}]

    Where valid values for ‘type’ are ‘string’, ‘float’, ‘int’, and ‘polygon’ and the other three fields are strings, which must contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and hyphens only.

    When using ‘type’: ‘polygon’, the column must be a GeoPandas GeoSeries containing shapely Polygon objects in EPSG4326 using the Point(lon, lat) convention.

    Please do not create explicit EPSG4326 columns (e.g. ‘lat’, ‘lon’) or POSIX timestamp columns as these are unnecessary repetitions of Specklia default columns.

  • storage_technology (str) – Determines the storage technology used for the dataset, by default ‘OLAP’. This cannot be changed after the dataset is created. Can start with either ‘OLAP’, meaning Online Analysis Processing, or ‘OLTP’, meaning Online Transaction Processing. Selecting ‘OLAP’ will make your data storage cheaper, but at the cost of queries returning in seconds to tens of seconds. Selecting ‘OLTP’ will make your data storage more expensive, but queries will return in hundreds of milliseconds to a second. In addition, you can specify chunked OLTP storage by specifying a storage_technology in the following format: ‘OLTP_tHHHHH_sII’. This option can be used to deliver faster query speeds for larger OLTP datasets (more than a million rows). When specifying a chunked storage technology, HHHHH is the zero-padded number of hours within a single chunk, while II is the s2 indexing level at which chunks will be split (see http://s2geometry.io/resources/s2cell_statistics for more detail). As an example, ‘OLTP_t00720_s06’ refers to a storage technology where the chunks span 30 days and approximately 100km. For more guidance on selecting a chunked storage technology, email support@earthwave.co.uk


The unique ID of the newly created dataset.

Return type:



To create a dataset, we must choose a name, and then provide a description and a list of all of its columns beyond ‘lat’, ‘lon’, and ‘time’. For example:

>>> client.create_dataset(
...     dataset_name='my_air_dataset',
...     description='Dataset containing air quality measurements gathered for Stop Pollution project',
...     columns=[
...         {'name': 'air_quality', 'type': 'int', 'description': 'Air Quality Index value', 'unit': 'AQI'},
...         {'name': 'air_temperature', 'type': 'float', 'description': 'Air temperature', 'unit': 'C'},
...         {'name': 'remarks', 'type': 'str', 'description': 'per-row remarks', 'unit': 'NA'}])

The above has created a new dataset, by default owned by our personal group - the group whose name matches our user ID. We can use the returned dataset_id to write data to the dataset with client.add_points_to_dataset() or move it to another group through client.update_dataset_ownership().

If nothing is passed to the optional parameter ‘columns’, the created dataset will only have three columns: lat, long, and time.

create_group(group_name: str) str

Create a new Specklia group.

If you want to share a specific group of datasets with a specific group of users, you should create a Specklia group to do so, then use Specklia.add_user_to_group() and Specklia.update_dataset_ownership() to move users and datasets respectively into the group.


group_name (str) – The new group’s name. Must contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and hyphens only.


The unique ID of the newly created group

Return type:



To create a new group, we run:

>>> client.create_group(group_name='important_group')

The endpoint will return the new group’s unique ID, auto-generated by Specklia. We can pass this ID to other Specklia endpoints to modify the group, its members, and datasets.

delete_dataset(dataset_id: str) str

Delete a dataset.

You must be an ADMIN of the group that owns the dataset in order to do this.


dataset_id (str) – The UUID of the dataset the user wishes to delete


The response from the server

Return type:



To determine the ID of the dataset we wish to delete, we can call client.list_datasets() and filter the results. We are then ready to run:

>>> client.delete_dataset(dataset_id=DETERMINED_DATASET_ID)

Specklia will respond with a success message as long as the dataset exists and we are an ADMIN within the group that owns it.

delete_group(group_id: str) str

Delete an existing group.

You must have ADMIN permissions within the group in order to do this.


group_id (str) – The UUID of group to delete


The response from the server.

Return type:



To delete an existing group of which we are an admin, we run:

>>> client.delete_group(group_id=GROUP_ID)

The above will additionally delete any datasets owned by the group at the time of the deletion. Users within the group will be removed from it, but left unchanged otherwise.

delete_points_in_dataset(_dataset_id: str, _source_ids_and_source_row_ids_to_delete: List[Tuple[str, str]]) None

Delete data from a dataset.

You must have READ_WRITE or ADMIN permissions within the group that owns the dataset in order to do this. Note that this does not delete the dataset itself. Instead, this method is for deleting specific rows within the dataset.

  • _dataset_id (str) – The UUID of the dataset to delete data from.

  • _source_ids_and_source_row_ids_to_delete (List[Tuple[str, str]]) – A list of tuples of (source_id, source_row_id) indicating which rows of data to delete.


NotImplementedError – This route is not yet implemented.

delete_user_from_group(group_id: str, user_to_delete_id: str) str

Remove a user from an existing group.

You must have ADMIN permissions within the group in order to do this.

  • group_id (str) – The group’s UUID

  • user_to_delete_id (str) – UUID of user to delete from group


The response from the server.

Return type:



To utilise this function, we need to know the ID of the group as well as the ID of the user we would like to remove from it.

To determine the group ID, we can use the client.list_groups() endpoint and filter the results.

Once we have the group ID, we can call client.list_users(group_id=DETERMINED_GROUP_ID), which lists IDs and privileges of all users within a group, to determine the desired user ID.

Once we determine who to remove, we run:

>>> client.delete_user_group_group(group_id=DETERMINED_GROUP_ID, user_to_delete_id=DETERMINED_USER_ID)
list_all_groups() DataFrame

List all groups.

You must have ADMIN permissions within the special all_users group in order to do this.


A dataframe describing all groups

Return type:


list_datasets() DataFrame

List all of the datasets the user has permission to read.

The output will describe datasets within all the groups that the user is part of.


A dataframe describing the datasets that the user can read.

Return type:


list_groups() DataFrame

List all of the groups that you are part of.


A dataframe describing the groups the user is part of.

Return type:



Running client.list_groups() returns a dataframe with all the groups we are a member of. Each group in the result is described by a group_name and a group_id.

By default, each user is a member of their personal group, with group_name equal to their user_id, as well the special all_users group.

If we know a group’s name but not its ID, we can call client.list_groups() and filter down the results:

>>> groups_i_belong_to_df = client.list_groups()
>>> name_of_group_to_find = "university_of_edinburgh"
>>> desired_group_id = groups_i_belong_to_df[
... groups_i_belong_to_df['group_name'] == name_of_group_to_find]['group_id'].iloc[0]

We can now pass this ID to other Specklia endpoints to modify the group, its members, and datasets.

list_users(group_id: str) DataFrame

List users within a group.

You must have ADMIN permissions within the group in order to do this.


group_id (str) – The UUID of the group for which to list users.


A dataframe describing users within a group.

Return type:



To use this endpoint, we need to be an ADMIN of a group and know its ID.

By default, we are the ADMIN of our own personal group, the name of which is the same as our user_id, as well as of any group that we create. Other users may also give us ADMIN privileges in their groups through client.add_user_to_group() and client.update_user_privileges().

If we know the name of the group but not its ID, we can determine this by calling client.list_groups() and filtering results.

We can then run:

>>> users = client.list_users(group_id=GROUP_ID)

The result will contain the ID and privileges level of each user that is within our group. We can then utilise client.delete_user_from_group(), client.add_user_to_group(), and client.update_user_privileges to make any desired changes.

query_dataset(dataset_id: str, epsg4326_polygon: Polygon | MultiPolygon, min_datetime: datetime, max_datetime: datetime, columns_to_return: List[str] | None = None, additional_filters: List[Dict[str, float | str]] | None = None, source_information_only: bool = False) Tuple[GeoDataFrame, List[Dict]]

Query data within a dataset.

You must be part of the group that owns the dataset in order to do this.

All provided conditions are applied to the dataset via logical AND (i.e. only points that meet all of the conditions will be returned).

  • dataset_id (str) – The UUID of the dataset to query.

  • epsg4326_polygon (Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]) – The geospatial polygon or multipolygon to query. Only points within this polygon or multipolygon will be returned. The edges of the polygon or multipolygon are interpreted as geodesics on the WGS84 ellipsoid. The points must be in the order (longitude, latitude).

  • min_datetime (datetime) – The minimum datetime for the query. Only points occurring after this datetime will be returned.

  • max_datetime (datetime) – The maximum datetime for the query. Only points occurring before this datetime will be returned.

  • columns_to_return (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of dataset columns to return. If None or an empty list, all columns are returned. By default, None.

  • additional_filters (Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[float, str]]]]) –

    Additional filters to apply to the data. These operate on additional rows in the data. A list of dicts of the form : {‘column’: str, ‘operator’: str, ‘threshold’: Union[float, str]}, where:

    • ’column’ is the name of a column that occurs within the dataset

    • ’operator’ is a comparison operator, one of ‘>’, ‘<’, ‘=’, ‘!=’, ‘>=’, ‘<=’

    • ’threshold’ is the value the column will be compared against.

    These conditions are applied to the data using logical AND. By default, None.

  • source_information_only (bool) – If True, no geodataframe is returned, only the set of unique sources. By default, False


RuntimeError – If the query failed for some reason.


The data resulting from the query. (only source_ids when source_information_only is True). Metadata for the query; a list of sources for the data.

Return type:

Tuple[gpd.GeoDataFrame, List[Dict]]


We can utilise client.list_datasets() to determine which dataset we wish to query and narrow down our query parameters. The output from the call will include all the necessary details of a dataset, such as its space-time coverage and available columns.

For example, let’s say we have found a dataset which has data in our area of interest in December 2022 and we are specifically interested in its ‘air_quality’ column. We can query this as such:

>>> from shapely import Polygon
>>> from datetime import datetime

>>> query_start_time = datetime(2022, 12, 15)
>>> query_end_time = datetime(2022, 12, 20)
>>> query_polygon = Polygon(((-1, -1), (-1, 2), (2, 2), (2, -1), (-1, -1)))

>>> points, sources = client.query_dataset(dataset_id=dataset_id,
...                                        epsg4326_polygon=query_polygonm
...                                        min_datetime=query_start_time,
...                                        max_datetime=query_end_time,
...                                        columns_to_return=['air_quality'],
...                                        additional_filters=[])

We should always pick our query polygon and time window carefully, based on our use-case.

Where possible, we should also utilise the additional_filters parameter to filter data down further before retrieval. For example, if our dataset has a column ‘bird_type’ and we know we are only interested in swallows, we should pass:

additional_filters=[{'column': 'bird_type', 'operator': '=', 'threshold': 'swallow'}].

This will ensure fast querying and minimise the amount of data streamed back to our device.

report_usage(group_id: str) List[Dict]

Fetch a summary usage report for a particular Specklia group.

The report details the number of bytes processed and the net change in bytes stored as a result of dataset ingestion and deletion. It is aggregated by user, by year and by month. It can be used to estimate the billing associated with a particular group.

It can also be used to check a particular individual’s usage by reporting on their own personal group.

Note that this report summarises _all_ of the Specklia use by the users within the group, whether or not that use affects datasets owned by the group.

You must be an ADMIN of the group to do this.


group_id (str) – The group id to query for.


A list of report rows. Each row contains the following fields:

year month user_id total_billable_bytes_processed total_increase_in_bytes_stored

Return type:



Example usage:
>>> client.report_usage(dataset_id="GROUP_IP")
update_dataset_ownership(dataset_id: str, new_owning_group_id: str) str

Transfer the ownership of a dataset to a different Specklia group.

You must have ADMIN permissions within both the group that currently owns the dataset _and_ the group into which you wish to transfer the dataset in order to do this.

  • dataset_id (str) – The UUID of the dataset the user wishes to update

  • new_owning_group_id (str) – The group UUID the user wishes to change the dataset ownership tot


The response from the server

Return type:



By default, each dataset we create belongs to our personal group - the group whose name is the same as our user ID. To give another user access to our dataset, we can either add them to our personal group through client.add_user_to_group(), or change the dataset’s ownership, moving it to a different group of which they are a member.

Let’s say our friend Bob has given us his ID, BOBS_ID, and we wish to give him access to our important dataset. We can do this as follows:

>>> important_dataset_id = client.create_dataset(
...                                     description='Dataset containing greatest secrets of the world')
>>> important_group_id = client.create_group(group_name='important_group')

>>> client.add_user_to_group(group_id=important_group_id,
...                          user_to_add_id=BOBS_ID))

>>> client.update_dataset_ownership(dataset_id=important_dataset_id,
...                                 group_id=important_group_id)
update_group_name(group_id: str, new_group_name: str) str

Update the name of a group.

You must have ADMIN permissions within the group in order to do this.

  • group_id (str) – UUID of group

  • new_group_name (str) – Desired new name of group. Must contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores and hyphens only.


Response from server

Return type:



To change the name of any group of which we are an ADMIN, we run:

>>> client.update_group_name(group_id=GROUP_ID, new_group_name='much_better_name')

The group’s unique ID, users, and datasets will remain unchanged.

update_points_in_dataset(_dataset_id: str, _new_points: DataFrame, _source_description: Dict) None

Update previously existing data within a dataset.

You must have READ_WRITE or ADMIN permissions within the group that owns the dataset in order to do this. Should be called once for each separate source of data.

  • _dataset_id (str) – The UUID of the dataset to update.

  • _new_points (pd.DataFrame) – A dataframe containing the new values for the points. The columns within this dataframe must match the columns within the dataset. In particular, the source_id and source_row_id columns must match values that already occur within the dataset, as this indicates which points will be replaced.

  • _source_description (Dict) – A dictionary describing the source of the data.


NotImplementedError – This route is not yet implemented.

update_user_privileges(group_id: str, user_to_update_id: str, new_privileges: str) str

Update a user’s privileges within a particular group.

You must have ADMIN permissions within the group in order to do this.

These privileges determine what a user can do with the datasets and users in the group:

  • READ_ONLY means that the user can read the datasets, but cannot write to them, or change properties of the group.

  • READ_WRITE means that the user can write to existing datasets as well as read from them, but cannot change the properties of the group. Users with READ_WRITE permissions cannot create or destroy whole datasets within a group.

  • ADMIN means that the user can add and remove other users from the group, can change their privileges, and can add and remove datasets from the group.

  • group_id (str) – The group’s UUID

  • user_to_update_id (str) – UUID of user to update privileges for

  • new_privileges (str) – New privileges of the users. Must be ‘READ_ONLY’, ‘READ_WRITE’ or ‘ADMIN’.


Response from server

Return type:



When we use client.add_user_to_group() to add a user to a group of which we are an ADMIN, they are automatically given READ_ONLY privileges. This means they can read the group’s datasets, but not modify them.

If we wish for the user to be able to add, delete, and modify points in the group’s datasets, but not delete the datasets themselves, we can give them READ_WRITE privileges:

>>> client.update_user_privileges(group_id=GROUP_ID,
...                               user_to_update_id=USER_ID,
...                               new_privileges='READ_WRITE')

If we wish for the user to additionally be able to modify users and datasets within the group, or even delete the group itself, we can give them ADMIN privileges:

>>> client.update_user_privileges(group_id=GROUP_ID,
...                               user_to_update_id=USER_ID,
...                               new_privileges='ADMIN')

We should always aim to grant users the lowest privileges necessary.

specklia.utilities module

This file contains client-side utilities provided to make it easier to use Specklia.

specklia.utilities.save_gdf_as_tiff(gdf: GeoDataFrame, data_col: str, bounds: Dict[str, float], output_path: str, xy_proj4: str | None = None, data_type: str = 'float32') None

Save a GeoDataFrame as a GeoTIFF file.

This function is provided so that raster data returned from Specklia in the form of GeoDataFrames can be easily converted back to GeoTIFF for integration with other tools.

Note that this function intentionally does not check whether the supplied GeoDataFrame will result in a full raster after transformation. Instead, a grid is defined based on the bounds arguments and the sorted unique values in gdf, and the data_col values directly assigned to it.

  • gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame) – The GeoDataFrame to save to a GeoTIFF file.

  • data_col (str) – The name of the column within the GeoDataFrame to save out as a Tiff file.

  • bounds (Dict[str, float]:) – A dictionary containing the keys “min_x”, “min_y”, “max_x” and “max_y” indicating the bounds of the saved tiff. These are provided separately because the data in gdf may not extend to the desired edges of the tiff file.

  • output_path (str) – The output path of the GeoTIFF file.

  • xy_proj4 (Optional[str], by default None) – If not None, the Proj4 code of the ‘x’ and ‘y’ columns in the GeoDataFrame. These columns will then be used to generate the raster instead of the GeoDataFrame’s geometry. If None, the GeoDataFrame’s geometry is used to generate the raster instead.

  • data_type (str) – The data type to save data_col as, by default ‘float32’

Module contents